Welcome to Arty CM0 DesignStart project

Under construction

This github repository provides the necessary files to use the DesignStart Cortex-M0 system on a Digilent ARTY FPGA board.

Arty board

This project does not include the source code of the DesignStart Cortex-M0. You have to request it directly from ARM.

In addition to allow synthesis of the designstart to a Xilinx target, this project allows also simulations using the simulation tools :

Project layout

common        # shared files for configuring the projects
ips           # Modules created using Xilinx Vivado
rtl           # Verilog RTL files for the project
sim           # Verilog simulation directory
synt          # synthesis directory
verilator_sim # Verilator build/simulation directory
software      # Local testsuites (asm/c programs)
import        # imported github submodules (currently only amba_components)
docs          # the mkdocs/markdown sources for this site
site          # generated html/js files for this site


Cloning from github

This project uses submodules. To clone it you need to run the following commands :

 git clone git@github.com:rbarzic/arty-cm0-designstart.git
 cd arty-cm0-designstart
 git submodule init
 git submodule update

Setting environment variables

The ARM Cortex-MO designstart package is not included in this project. You must download it yourself and setup the DESIGNSTART_TOP variable to point to the directory it had be installed in :

export DESIGNSTART_TOP=<Path to Cortex-M0 designstart top folder>

Patching Cortex-M0 designstart folder

The code provided by ARM needs to be modified. The changes are gathered in a patch file.

make -C patches patch

Compiling test programs

Test programs are located under the software directory.

To compile, enter the directory of the program and type : make all

Several files (bin, hex, vmem and vmem32,..) should be created

Simulation using Icarus iverilog

Go into a test program directory (under software/xxx) then :

# Compile C code
make all
# build iverilog simulator files
make comp
# run the simulation
make run

# optionaly, you can look at waveform using gtkwave
make wave

Simulation should stop when main() exits or exit() is called directly

Synthesis using Vivado

The complete flow is shown in the following figure :

The first part of the flow is the generation of the first bit file. Verilog files are parsed by Vivado together with constraint files and a file to initialize the program memory.

Later, the Vivado utility updatemem is used to change the content of the program memory without the need for a new synthesys

Files used by the synthesis flow :

vivado_utils.tcl        # Various _tcl_ functions
vivado.tcl              # The main synthesis script
report_bram.tcl         # tcl code to output block ram placement (for _updatemem_)
xilinx_constraints.xdc  # Constraint file (clock, pads,..)
code.vmem32             # the original content of the program memory

Running the synthesis

make synt

Files generated by the synthesis flow :

rpt/cpu.bit        # Xilinx bitstream file
chip_layout.v      # Post Place&Route Verilog netlist
chip_layout.sdf    # Post Place&Route timing backannotation file (SDF)
bram.yaml          # Block RAM placement file

Programming the device

Updating the program memory

To create a new bit file without launching a new synthesis :

make update TEST=<test name>

where is the name of a test under software

Simulation using Vivado

RTL simulation

Post Place&Route backannotated simulation

Simulation using Verilator