
Templates, which are a big part of the o-blog export process, are HTML-based files. Within templates, Lisp code can be interpreted as long as <lisp> tags surrounds the code.

<h1><lisp>(ob:blog-title BLOG)</lisp></h1>

The above would be exported to something like:



o-blog only needs blog_ prefixed templates, as long as they do not need any other templates (using ob:insert-template function).

All other templates are defined for convenience.

Required templates

blog_ prefixed templates.

  • blog_static.html: Exports any static page (function ob-write-static).
  • blog_post.html: Exports a blog post (function ob-write-posts).
  • blog_tags.html: Exports a tag cloud page (function ob-write-tags).
  • blog_tags-detail.html: Exports page matching a specific tag (function ob-write-tags).
  • blog_archive.html: Exports the whole archives (all categories, all years, all months) page (function ob-write-index).
  • blog_rss.html: Exports the rss feed (function ob-write-index).
  • blog_index_month.html Export index page for a given month (function ob-write-index).
  • blog_index_year.html Export index page for a given year (function ob-write-index).
  • blog_index_catery.html Export index page for a given category (function ob-write-index).

Index-page templates

index_ prefixed templates. They are used by all blog_index_*.html templates to generate a list of articles matching given category, year and month, and the entire archives.

  • index_archives.html
  • index_category.html
  • index_month.html
  • index_year.html

Navigation templates

nav_ prefixed templates are used to generate navigation snippets:

  • nav_links.html: Used to generate navigation menu used in both the page header and footer.
  • nav_tag-cloud.html: Used to generate tag cloud on page bottom.

Page templates

page_ prefixed templates used for both HTML header and footer.